Nasal Trauma San Antonio specialist Dr. Jose Barrera, MD focuses his practice on rhinoplasty, septoplasty, and facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Jose Barrera is board certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. He has performed over 700 rhinoplasties and sees patients for nasal trauma San Antonio.
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Nasal trauma often affects the septum of the nose, the nasal pyramid, and the upper cartilages. The nasal septum is a key element of structure for the entire nose. The interrelationship of the ethmoid bone and nasal bones helps to explain the susceptibility of the nasal septum to injury. Lateral forces are the most frequent cause of nasal injury resulting in depressed nose fractures. Septal injury is one of the most crucial elements of nasal deformity and dysfunction.
Motor vehicle accidents are a common cause of nasal trauma San Antonio. Car accidents which cause nose fractures are common when the nose strikes the steering wheel. Altercations and fights caused by a closed fist punch also cause nasal fractures. About 30% of patients have pre-existing nasal fractures. Patients with previous rhinoplasty are more susceptible to nasal fractures after nasal trauma San Antonio.
The diagnosis of nasal fracture is made primarily on physical examination. An X-ray or CT scan is usually not necessary. The following are aspects of the physical exam which must be considered.

-Changes in dorsal contour (humps; abnormal elevations/depressions)
-Abnormal shortening of the nose (indicates loss of central support; telescoping of cartilaginous fragments; increased nasolabial angle/widening of nasal base)
-Frontal view: widening/flattening nasal root; dorsum tip deflections
-Periorbital ecchymosis (bruising) is highly suggestive of nasal fracture
-Subtle deformities can be masked by edema (more accurate exam is established 2-4 days later)
Simple injuries can be corrected with a closed nasal reduction. More severe injuries require a septoplasty under anesthesia. For external nasal deviations with greater than 50% of the nasal bridge width being displaced, a formal rhinoplasty and septoplasty to correct septal fractures and dislocated upper cartilage and bone may be necessary.