Skin Rejuvenation San Antonio is a critical part of skin health and wellness in South Texas. Skin Rejuvenation San Antonio begins to paying attention to early signs of aging as well as early skin cancer detection. Early skin aging can be the result of excessive sun exposure and formation of skin wrinkles or rhytids. Excessive sun exposure leads to photo damage that can result in increase laxity of the skin, skin cancer, and discoloration. In addition, the aging face can present with loss of volume, descent of skin tissues, and increased wrinkles or demarcation lines. A laser skin resurfacing procedure will help to improve the texture of the skin and scars by resurfacing the outer layer of skin resulting in a smoother and less wrinkled appearance. San Antonio Plastic Surgeon Dr. Jose Barrera utilizes fractionated technology in combination with antioxidant treatments to decrease the downtime associated with facial resurfacing in order to provide skin rejuvenation.
Dr. Jose Barrera, MD shares his patient experience video with skin rejuvenation after brow lift, laser skin resurfacing, and facelift surgery at Restoring my youthful face.
Dr. Barrera will evaluate your skin type, wrinkles, texture, and color of your skin. Skin rejuvenation using laser skin resurfacing can reduce wrinkles around the lips, eyes, and face. It can also be useful to treat facial scarring and introduce anti-inflammatory steroid medicine. A laser skin resurfacing involves removing the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and penetrates the papillary dermis to produce new collagen. Fillers or facial fat grafting can be added at the same time to improve the volume and descent of the skin tissues simultaneous with improving skin texture using laser skin resurfacing for skin rejuvenation.

Diagram depicted shows how microthermal treatment zones (MTZ) from laser skin resurfacing to create channels in the skin that will increase and organize collagen, resurface the epidermis thus removing wrinkles, and allow for targeted drug delivery of medicines to improve scars and increase volume of the skin.
What to expect after laser surgery for skin rejuvenation San Antonio?
Adequate preparation in the form of skin cleansing, using adequate sun block, and starting an anti-viral medication are essential to achieve a successful outcome. Dr. Barrera will discuss the risks of the procedure and provide you with a consent and instruction form to educate you. It is important to realize that lasers have specific applications. A single procedure will most likely fail to completely remove all my dyschromia, or textural problems in the area treated. Individual response will vary according to skin types, hair color, the degree of tanning, follow-up care, and the body area being treated. A facial plastic surgeon is experienced in the use of the laser and can best guide your care.