- Gender
- Female
- Age
- 37
26-year-old female comes in for rhinoplasty. She has nasal obstruction to right and has some drainage. She would like improvement in her dorsal hump and tip ptosis. She underwent a Primary cosmetic preservation septorhinoplasty with right SEG and Lateral keystone release (Ballerina manuever). A modified dorsal cartilage z plasty incision was performed along with an osteotomy through the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone to allow for let down of the dorsal hump. At this point, the nasal dorsum was fully let down. A 5-0 prolene was placed around the excised septal cartilage segment to hold the let down dorsal hump in position. An inferior oblique incision is then carried caudally through to the anterior septal angle to level of cartilaginous dorsum. The Z flap with a SEG was instrumental in achieving these results.